Friday, December 30, 2011

750pt and 1,000 pt Eldar

I was recently asked how to take my 1,850 point Eldar army down to 750 and 1,000 pts.  That's a hard one for me as 1,500 is really the lowest point level I play, and I enjoy playing it.  But I pulled up good old army builder and did a little thinking and came up with this.

At 750 pts, I would try something along these lines;

Farseer - 93 (or 95)
Singing Spear, Runes of Warding, Guide (or Doom)

Fire Dragons x5 - 190
Wave Serpent, TL-Shuriken Cannons, Spirit Stones

Guardian Jetbike Squad x6 - 202
2x Shuriken Cannon
Warlock, Embolden

Guadian Jetbike Squad x3 - 66

Warp Spiders x4 - 137
Exarch, Powerblades, Death Spinner x2

Warwalker - 60
2x Scatter Laser

With this list you'll be playing a pretty mobile army with some good str 6 weapons that can reach out and touch someone or get into position to do so.  The Farseer will ride with the Dragons, and either guide them, or doom their target.  Doom really isn't necessary for them, so I find guiding and being able to hit the target to be the better choice.

The bikes will be a harassing unit, moving around the board, shooting at targets of opportunity and then moving into take objectives near the end of the game.

At 1,000 pts, try adding these;


Fire Dragons x5 - 190
Wave Serpent, TL-Shuriken Cannons, Spirit Stones


Warwalker - 60
2x Scatter Laser

With these two units added, your opponent will have a hard time going after your troop choices and ignoring the pain that these can bring.  But play smart, don't think your opponent won't shoot down your troops if you leave them out in the open.