Tuesday, July 14, 2009

BolScon 2009 in Austin

If you've not heard about it yet, and I'm sure you have BolScon 2009 is approaching quite rapidly. With only 38 Days to go I'm well on my way of building my new army, or updating the old, for what is to be the biggest tournament event I've been to. I'm very excited about it, and like to share the approach with you all.

After my last tournament I learned quite a few things about playing Eldar, and one thing I've learned is mobility is the key to 40k. Objectives have become a much larger game mechanic then when I stopped playing back in 3rd Ed. and now with armies almost being required to move across the board I saw the need to update the list and the models. After working with the guys from Warseer, who've been very helpful, I've come up with this list.

Farseer - 178 pts
Doom, Fortune, Spirit Stones, RoWa, JetBike, S.Spear

Autarch - 140 pts
MandiBlasters, Laser Lance, JetBike, Fusion Gun

Warlock Unit on JetBikes - 287 pts
Lock - Embolden, Singing Spear
Lock - Enhance, S.Spear
Lock - Destructor
Lock x2 - Destructor, Singing Spear

Fire Dragons x7 - 255pts
DBFlamer, Crack Shot
Wave Serpent
Spirit Stones, TL SCannon

Fire Dragons x7 - 255pts
DBFlamer, Crack Shot
Wave Serpent
Spirit Stones, TL SCannon

Guardian Jetbikes x6 - 205pts
SCannon x2
Singing Spear, Embolden

Guardian Jetbikes x6 - 205pts
SCannon x2
Singing Spear, Embolden

DAVU DireAvengers x5 - 60pts
(Riding Falcon)

~Heavy Support~
Falcon - 185pts
Scatlaser, Holo-Fields, Spirit Stones, chin-Cannon

Fire Prism - 115pts

Fire Prism - 115pts

Total Points - 2,000
Total KPs - 13
Total Models - 47

With this list I've removed one of the main issues of the other army I had taken, and that was lack of mobility. Sure I had 3 Skimmers in the other list, but the problem was that they could not be supported by the rest of the army unless they held back, and by holding back they we're being used in the way they should be.

With the list now made and the models purchased I started building everything last night, and let me tell you it takes a while just to cut all those bikes off the sprue ;)

As I get things going I'll post updates of the army, and will put in some tutorials on how I do the conversions for the warlocks and farseer.

If you're interested in the tournament make sure you register soon, I think you only have a couple weeks left :D And I'll see you there.


  1. Aw man, all the fun people are going to be there...

    I *REALLY* want to go, but with only 90 days warning too much of my group already had plans for their free cash and time off (Pennsic War). I still thought about it, but 900 miles one-way means the drive isn't cheap... and finances are tight with my wife just starting grad school.

    I hope you have a blast at the event and do post pics and battle reports. Heck, post some pics of the army being built!

    ps. I like the final army list... though I might be biased. :-p

  2. Lol, I want to get alot more games under my belt with it, but I'm afraid I'll be to busy building and painting the darn thing.

    Got a 1,500pt tourney here in two weeks that I'm going to take a scaled down vs of this army to just to get some practice. Need to learn the Jetbikes :D
