Saturday, August 22, 2009

BoLSCon 2009: Day 1

Hey Everyone, managed to get my buddies laptop going and unfortunantly I don't have photoshop on here so pictures are going to have to wait. Let's just say it's been a crazy crazy day, 4 games at 2k each is mind blowing. I'm surprised at how well organized everything is going and you can see it.

There are also quite a few beautiful armies here. The most amazing one I saw was a fantisy army where they had LED lights for every single model, and custom created clear plastic where it was shining out of. Once I get back in town I'll have to get you guys some pictures of these thing because they are awesome and give a lot of inspiration.

The morning started off rough though, I'm not going to blame the drinking until midnight or anything like that ;) But I don't think I was totally in the right mind.

I ended up going 3 and 1 and will give more detailed battle reports later but I ended up loosing the fist game to IG, Battle Squad Psykers are cheap haha. After that I played against Dark Templars and Won, then played against Tau and won against a guy having a pretty bad game.
Then the final game of the day was against Marines, It was the best game of the day (and not just because he bought me a beer) but it was very tacticaly challenging and I was in the game completely (beer helps) I ended up getting all of the objectives in the last turn, I felt bad for getting all the points, but it was still just a fun and well played game.
Well that's the update for the night, time to eat some pizza and relax with a couple drinks before I wake up, dice get rolling at 8 am, so wish me luck :D

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