Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Walker Model Contest: Other Participants

Hey Everyone, as promised here are some of the pictures from the event. I think I arrived to late to get all of the participants. I think there is maybe 2 or 3 missing but this will give you an idea of how talented the players are up here in Dallas.

I've Blurred out the names of the participants to respect there privacy but my silly picture phone seems to have done ok in taking pictures this go around.

This Wraithlord ended up getting runner up. It has some great blending and an ivory/wood feel. Also the designs on the head were hand painted and look extremely good. Probably the best piece I've seen him do.

I really loved the wet blood skin texture on this one. as well as the feel and look of the metal. It's a scary beast and I'd hate to see it on the other side of the battle field.

Looks like a mean Venerable Ultramarines Dread. That gaunt never stood a chance. I particularly like the wood work on the base, it came out very well.

These two were nice too, the bottom Orc dread could've used some base work but it was fun and colorful.

The top one was a possessed sentinal, there was a lot of conversion work to it and I thought it looked quite awesome.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Walker Model Contest: Wraithlord and the Winnner Is...

So I ended up winning the Ultimate Walker Painting Contest. There were nine models entered and quite a few of them had me pretty scared. There were some with some great conversions, particularly a possessed sentinal, and another wraith lord that I thought came out very nicely. I'm currently asking them for some pictures and there permission to place them on my website so you can see them too.

But I figgured that the images I had taken with my cell phone didn't do the model justice so I'd find a better camera and take some more pictures. You can actually see the detail now unlike the crappy blurry photos from before.

One of these days I'll buy a nice camera with a good micro lens ;)

Here are a couple more pictures and as always you can click on them for bigger size :)