Monday, November 2, 2009

Walker Model Contest: Wraithlord and the Winnner Is...

So I ended up winning the Ultimate Walker Painting Contest. There were nine models entered and quite a few of them had me pretty scared. There were some with some great conversions, particularly a possessed sentinal, and another wraith lord that I thought came out very nicely. I'm currently asking them for some pictures and there permission to place them on my website so you can see them too.

But I figgured that the images I had taken with my cell phone didn't do the model justice so I'd find a better camera and take some more pictures. You can actually see the detail now unlike the crappy blurry photos from before.

One of these days I'll buy a nice camera with a good micro lens ;)

Here are a couple more pictures and as always you can click on them for bigger size :)


  1. Congratulations! Definitely deserved to win after all the work you put into it.
