Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Eldar & the 5th Edition Tyranid Menace By: Dverning

Eldar & the 5th Edition Tyranid Menace

The Tyranid Codex now in stores, many Hive Minds are chuckling evilly about all their new toys, Saim-Hann looks to be headed into the prongs of two separate Hive Fleets, and Iyanden is all but turned into biomass. What’s a proud but dying race to do in these tough times?

  1. Don’t rush to change your army. Tyranids have NOT drastically changed the face of the game. If your list was already balanced and capable of facing Mech Marines, Drop Marines, Horde Orks and Nidzilla, then you’re likely to be fine against the new Nids. They’re mostly doing the same things, just with different names. Get a few games in against them, see how things fare and THEN adapt. The only unit I’d consider really key to facing Tyranids is a Farseer with Runes of Witnessing: to shut down Zoanthrope Warp Blasts and other nasty Psykers. But then again, I already consider a Farseer nigh mandatory for any balanced list above 1000 points. After that your list might end up with a few more Guardian Jetbikes, opt to add for Warp Spiders, or finally re-shelf your Wraithguard… but generally a competitive list of a month ago is still a competitive list now.
  2. Know your enemy. Take the time to flip through the Codex and get a basic orientation to the Tyranid choices. You don’t need to be able to build a list from memory, but you do need to know how to identify their models, what unitss are T4 versus T6, which Monsters give Synapse (and what that means), if large parts of the force will be able to enter play via Outflank or Deep Strike, or even who will explode and damage nearby units when killed. This will lead to knowing how to…
  3. Maximize effect by using the right weapon. For example: Zoanthropes and Tyranid Warriors. Both are T4, yet the first has a 3+ Invulnerable Save and 2 Wounds while the other has 4+ Armour and 3 Wounds. A pair of Bright Lances at the Zoanthropes and Dire Avengers into Doomed Warriors might drop one each or so, but reversing the choice of weapon and spell will significantly increase the damage done. In the same sense, Banshees or Harlequins that charge Lash Whip Warriors or Tyrant Guard are in for a nasty surprise, but will greatly enjoy ripping up Genestealers and most Monsters.
  4. Divide. Your primary asset isn’t your guns, it is your speed. In general, Eldar armies will out range, out maneuver, and out gun Tyranids, but will be outnumbered and suffer when in close combat and/or pinned in place. Though most Tyranids do not have Frag Grenades, you’re usually better off just not being there in the first place. Taking static formation and play style will be to their strengths, allowing their superior numbers to push you into a corner and swarm over you. You need to be using Jump-Shoot-Jump, Turboboosting Jetbikes, Assault move Jetbikes, Flat Out Skimmer, Reserves Denial, Divination redeploy and all your other tricks to spread them out across the board and engage per your desires. This allows you to…
  5. Conquer. A big problem with Tyranids is learning how to engage them, but even harder is knowing what to do when you get there. Here are my general recommendations:
    1. Cripple their mobility. Outflanking Genestealers or Mycetic Spores aren’t really a massive threat; once they’ve hit the field the units are subject to normal movement rules and can be avoided. Standard Castle Deployment, Reserves Denial, and other Deep Strike neutralizing formations will seriously reduce their threat. What you need to worry about overall are the units that can keep up with you on the table. Choices like Gargoyles, Shrikes, FlyRants, Harpies and Mawlocs should be high on your priority list to neutralize early. Once you have secured the advantage of speed, turn your eyes toward…
    2. Destroy their Spawners. One of the nastiest threats of the new dex is certainly Tervigons and their ability to spawn new broods. Expect to see a number of these beasties on the tables soon. Unless the game is for Kill Points, you should expect them to be popping out babies as fast as they can. Yet in the sense of “know your enemy”, Tervigons also do BAD THINGS to nearby Termagaunts when they die. These Monsters need to die quickly, but for other targets of the same class…
    3. Don’t sweat the big guys. Tyrannofex, Carnifex, Trygons, and even Shooty Tyrants all look pretty scary on paper, especially when tooled up with Retinues, multiple model units, Regeneration and other toys. But take an honest look at the details. Most aren’t as big a threat as they seem, especially at range. They’re simple fire magnets that hope to draw fire off of weaker units while everything closes. Ignore them for higher priority targets, Avoid them until you can achieve localized superiority and only engage them when you can…
    4. Focus overwhelming fire. With Regeneration, multiple wounds all over, swarm production and many other rules, the worst thing to do to a Tyranid army is spread your fire out. Remember, there’s no Regenerating if the monster is out of Wounds and a single living ‘Gaunt can preserve a Kill Point. Strive to focus your fire for localized overkill and you’re much less likely to have a bad roll or two crumple your entire battle line.

      Still, Conquering will not always work. So…

  1. Don’t get attached to your units. As a doomed race, every life lost is irreplaceable. But if putting those Fire Dragons a little closer together can keep your Dire Avengers from being charged? That’s lives saved to go on shooting the next turn. Few Nid lists are going to be an “easy win” these days. You will need to accept losses, play to your “A Game” and think beyond the tactics of the current turn. Most especially, you will need to…
  2. Always, always, ALWAYS remember the objectives. This is probably THE single biggest reason I see people snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. It doesn’t matter if a unit of Hormagaunts sits on an objective marker all game long, so long as it’s your Scoring Wave Serpent sitting there when the dice are set down. It’s great to strive for tabling your opponent, but that’s gimmick and not a game-winning strategy. The only way to consistently win is to always stay focused on the actual game.

And for some other good thoughts, I would suggest checking out:





I don’t agree with everything any of them have to say, but there’s still some great analysis in these. Cheers and hope you’ve enjoyed this little digression!

Thanks to Dverning over at Maunderings of a 40K Gamer for the great post.

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