Monday, April 26, 2010

TGR - TWG April 25th Tourney Results

Hi Everyone, I just wanted to share the results of yesterday with you. The tournament started quite well with 15 out of the 16 players showing up. Luckily I had brought up an extra army, and made the offer to the odd man out of taking a Bi or playing me. They all played, which I can understand, no one likes sitting out for 2 hours.

Everyone said they enjoyed the missions, well except for the first one, which will either get re-worked or dropped from future tournaments. But that is why I appreciate the Feedback, that way the next time I run it, I'll have that info.

Ok... ok... so before I keep babbling on. I would just like to thank everyone for showing up, and I hope you all had a great time.

Here are the results.

Best Overall went to Nick V. playing Salamander Space Marines:

Best General went to Trevor playing Tyranids;

Best Painted went to Nam for his Beautiful IG;

Once again, thank you for everyone who showed up and supported the tournament. For plenty more pictures go to the Flickr Page I set up.

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