Ok guys :)
So now that some thoughts have been floating around ya'lls heads I think it's time to share my thoughts on Composition Scores.
I'll be up front about it now. Through my experiences with different tournaments in different areas and different levels of competitiveness I've got to put my vote in with no comp. The reason I'm behind no comp is because I believe that the codices, to an extent, have been balanced to play against each other with no other modifications. I also feel that you can not (without a pains taking amount of work and quite a bit of subjectivity) make a balanced Comp System. Here's why;
Option 2: Although this is the system I prefer in the event of comp scores at tournaments, especially the openness of how it is scored, there is still a large flaw in it. The problem lies in that not all codices are meant to use and be limited by the same FOC slots. The codices are balanced with each other by being able to use all the FOC slots without penalty. When two armies can take the same exact list, and one is penalized and the other is not you can see the break in the system.
Here's an example. We'll take what some might call a cheesy list of 3 Landraiders. Here's a little 1,500 pt list.
Space Marines
Assault Terminators riding in LR
Tac Squad
Tac Squad
Bike Squad
So that's a little bit less then 1,500 pts and a comp score of -3 or 17 pts.
Space Marines Blood Angels
Assault Terminators riding in LR
Tac Squad w/ LR
Tac Squad w/ LR
Bike Squad
Now we have the exact same list, (ok some sspecial rules are different) but because all Blood Angel units can take LRs as Dedicated Transports this list get's a comp score of -0 or 20 pts.
Another Example would be the Space Marine player who can take 3 10 man Tactical Marine squads. This squad has 3 scoring units and no reduction in Comp Score, but on the field depending on missions can become 6 scoring units if needed. Now take any other Army out there (other then IG who can get 14 scoring units per Troop FOC) and they have to fill 6 slots to have the same kind of scoring possibilities. That's -5 to their comp score, or a total of 15 points.
There are many examples like these that lead me to believe that this kind of option for comp is not balanced.
Option 3: Option 3 comes down to how much do you trust your TO's or Judges opinions. What one person might find over the top might not be to another player. It is just too subjective for my liking. One Judge might have been beaten by a simular list the day or week before and feels that it's too powerful. Or they may not like a certain army and so score it lower. The point is with out a clear set of rules set in place before the Tournament, it's impossible to walk into an even knowing if your Army Lists will be scored well or not.
Then there are the horror stories of people walking in with the exact same list and being scored differently on them. Once again if two armies containing the same units can't be judged and given the same score then the system does not work.
Option 4: Some of the different things I've heard here talk about opponent scoring and the like. I think this is about as good as Subjective Sportsmanship scoring (which will be a later topic). There are people not out there, maybe not all of them, but some who will give people very low scores just because they lose. Doe losing mean that the other player brought an army that was out of balance, or that couldn't be won against? Sometimes it's the dice, sometimes there are just dumb mistakes, and sometimes people are just matched up against players of different caliber. As much as I would like to believe that people can give fair and balanced scoring against people all it takes is one not doing so to skew the scores and unbalance things.
There you have it, with the different soft score that there are I don't believe that Composition Scores should be part of the tournament scene anymore. Not only have I been unable to find a balanced way of scoring, but I feel that it keeps players from playing what they would like to play without penalizing them.
And then you always have the issue of someone building a list within the confines of Composition, and an Opponent who doesn't and builds the biggest meanest list they can. Because of what Comp Scores are meant to do, one person has a weaker list then the other and makes for an unbalanced game. Comp Scores may balance things out for overall winner later, but makes for a really un-fun game for those who have to play against the person.
And if fun is the name of the game, then comp should be out.
Uh, you left out 'Option One.' lol
Option 1: The only way to go :)
ReplyDeleteIts always good to see someone else come to the Dark Side.
ReplyDeleteTo play Devil's Advocate I have to admit that comped tourneys tend to have a greater variety of armies as the shite comes out to play.
Apart from that I have yet to see subjective sport scoring (I lose, thus you get 0 or my buddy needs the points so I have to dick you). I still can't fathom how the Convictcomp (Oz) system of having a panel of people judge your list before awarding you a score can be seen to be transparent is beyond me.
End communication.