It'll save you from building up layers of primer on bad painted models and allow you to start anew with something that you could get almost fresh out of the box.
I was introduced to it just a couple months ago and now I'm simply high and giddy with joy being able to use it on models that have been sitting in my closet for close to 10 years.
So what does it do exactly. Well it will strip paint off of metal and plastic without harming your miniatures, and it won't harm you or the environment. A simple soak in it over night and a toothbrush will have your miniatures back to there pewter or plastic selves (or 90% there)
Need the proof, well here it is.

So here is an old school Terminator I got about 10 years ago from my buddy Nick. Now Don't worry I'm pretty sure he didn't do the paint job on it, but you can see why I didn't really do anything with it other then shelve it. (because of the paint and me decideding not to start SM at the time) But with them sitting in the closet and me running out of room it's time to start getting rid of things. Now if I were to sell this guy on ebay he's maybe get 50 cents, a dollar if I was lucky.
So I put him in the Simple Green Bath Yesterday and just pulled him out about an hour ago.

Now here he is with a couple of brush strokes and under running water, the paint literally strips right off. Now I'll admit I am using my powered tooth brush with an old brush head but ya know, you use what you got ;)

So about 2 Minutes later the paint has basically been stripped off the entire model. With it in Like New condition it's now worth quite a bit more to someone else. Sure it is still the same model but you don't have to quell your Gag reflex when you look upon it ;)
But this is also a great way of picking up models off ebay for cheap, don't fear purchasing those ugly painted models, get them nice and cheap and with a little soak you'll be able to have something close to new to start on.
It's great stuff. I've been using it to restore figs for years. A few additional tips I'd put in:
ReplyDelete1. If you want faster results, heating the Simple Green up to about 120F can drop the soak time to about 20 minutes for the same results. Just make sure not to let it get too hot or have figs constantly by the heat source if they're plastic.
2. Thin plastic parts left in for a long time (week or more) will weaken a bit, especially when first pulled out.
3. Try a brass wire brush like those used for cleaning BBQ grills. It won't hurt the plastic and gives a better clean than a toothbrush.
4. Note that Simple Green (and other strippers) will cause superglue to de-bond and become brittle. You'll want to break apart the fig, pop the old glue off and re-glue after.
5. This WILL DESTROY any Green Stuff. Great for removing a bad sculpt, but deadly to your good ones.
You can often find simple green at some dollar stores!